What to expect from your 'at home' lifestyle photoshoot..

Many people (including myself) get quite stressed about the thought of a stranger photographing their family! Will the children behave? Will they be in a good mood? Will the house be tidy enough? What if the baby needs lots of feeding? These are some of the questions that may go through your mind when thinking about booking a portrait session in your own home.

I’ve put together a few points to mind your mind at rest and to help the photo shoot flow as well as possible.

baby at home portrait session

Will my house be tidy enough ?!

Please do not worry about tidying your whole house !! or really tidying up at all! We are capturing the real and the normal and we can work with most things ! Its always nice to have one family space and one bedroom clear, with some plain sheets on the bed but that is all. We can hide any toys behind us if we need to.

Will the children behave?

Please don’t worry about the children and their mood. I have three children and I know their moods can change like the weather ! I have enough time to get the photos I need and even if it takes a while for them to warm up please don’t worry or get frustrated because I will do what I need to to get the results. It may not always be perfectly still with perfectly smiling faces but most children are not like that ! Im here to capture you and your family exactly as you are now. i’ll be in the moment capturing all the treasure memories.

What shall I wear?

Whatever you normally would. Whatever is comfortable but perhaps stay fairly neutral and coordinating as a family rather than matching ! it always nice to put a bit of extra makeup on (if you wear it) as the camera tends to wash it out sometimes.

family at home portrait session

How long will it take?

Very hard to say but I allow 1-2 hours especially if there is a new born involved that may need feeding or toddlers that may want a snack break! I’ll move around the house in different areas and find the best lighting and then go from there.

There will be time for family shots, children or siblings, children with parents, and any other combinations you may require.

father and daughter portrait

I hope this article helps you to feel more prepared for your family photoshoot at home. Please don’t feel daunted. We can chat on the phone before hand and you can ask any questions you may have, Just remember to relax and enjoy your family. I will get the best shots if you’re just comfortable being yourselves in your own home.

Hope to hear from you soon xoxo

A stroll around Knole.