Should you invest in a Family Photo shoot?
Lets face it, we all prioritise spending our money on certain things each year - It could be a new car, a new handbag, more family trips away, new toys or new clothes.
I thought i'd put a post together to discuss if you should choose this year to invest in your family photoshoot.
- Its a way to have a day with just your family, doing something together in a place that means something to you or a place you enjoy. Its a time to connect together to have fun and to have it all documented so in weeks, months and years to come you can see how much everyone has changed or just reminisce about a time in your lives together.
- It is now easier for everyone to document life, whether it be on an iPhone or on a nice DSLR camera. However how often do you actually print those photos or record them in an album. They are most likely still on your computer or device from years ago or on Facebook. These could, one day all disappear and you'd be left with just memories. Hiring a professional photographer means you're more likely to print your photos and they will be high quality & memorable photos for you to have as a family.
- A chance to get the whole family in a photo. I know myself that i'm hardly in any photos and we've decided this year to invest ourself in our own professional family photos. By having someone else do the work you can have the whole family together in a whole album where you can have special and unexpected moments captured for you.
- They're fun ! Its a great few hours together to have a laugh and capture some gorgeous moments as a family. We all know how fast time flies and how quickly the years fly by and much everyone changes even every week. It is an investment one that will serve as a lasting keepsake the entire family can treasure forever, a lot of my families tell me that their family portraits are one of their most treasured possessions, you'll never regret it.